Hey there, My Name is Darryl Barnes. I'm a Photographer working and living in W.Oakland.
I specialize in head shots, portrait, and landscapes, but I would like to start doing weddings.
If I would had to classify myself I would say that I am a street photographer but really i'm just a "photographer" i love to photography everything! My photography journey started kind of late in life just after 20 or so and while I've always loved taking (polariod and disposable cameras) photos, it was not an affordable hobby growing up, especially in the film age. So It was not until around 2005 that I began shooting regularly, this was mostly due in part to the advent of camera phones, and even though the images were crap I quickly realized how photography could help shape the way we see the world.
When I'm not out taking photographs, I can be found rooting for my Washington Redskins #Hail, building robots with Lego, or in the kitchen cooking up something to get your mouth watery.
I am available for assignment or commission,senior, family, and engagement portraits. Add the details of the shoot to the contact form.
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.
- Mark Twain